If you would like to send us a private message, you may send an email to us at lill@lmelibrary.org. If you would like a response, please include your name and contact information.
Guidelines for posting comments:
- You must be at least 13 years old to post comments.
- Please carefully review your comment before posting.
- Feel free to speak your mind, but please be respectful to others and their opinions.
- Profanity, put downs, inappropriate language or content will NOT be allowed to post in your comment. Offensive and inappropriate comments will be deleted.
- Potentially libelous comments will be deleted.
- Do not post plagiarized material.
- For your personal safety, any posts containing or requesting personal information such as phone numbers, IM screen names, last names, email addresses or similar things will be deleted (This is for your safety).
- Please do not post website links, photos or images in your comment; they will be removed.
- Comments will be moderated to ensure the rules have been followed.
- The TeenSpace Team reserves the right to decide which comments are posted.
- The Lillie M. Evans Library, the TeenSpace Team and the Library Board of Trustees reserve the right to make changes to these rules at any time.
Who Moderates the TeenSpace blog?
The blog is moderated by the Lillie M. Evans Library’s TeenSpace Team (our Youth Services employees). You can identify the moderator by the screen name “Library Lill”. You just might know the moderators. If you would like to speak with us in person, please feel free to come to the library or one of our teen programs. The TeenSpace team can and will remove and/or edit any inappropriate comments submitted to the blog. If a commenter breaks the blog rules the moderator will no longer permit them to post comments.
The Lillie M. Evans Library District, its board members and employees are not liable for any direct or indirect, incidental or consequential damages due to information gained, obtained or shared via using the TeenSpace blog.
Thank you. We hope you enjoy reading and participating in our TeenSpace Blog,
The TeenSpace Team
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