Published: 1948
Genre: Historical Fiction, Christian Fiction
Joseph Armstrong's father showed more concern for his farms and horses than he did for his wife and children. Work was first, Mishaps were dealt with harshly. Praise was a foreign language. The family suffered cruel scorn, rejection, and deprivation. All the while, Bennet Armstrong hypocritically portrayed himself to others as flawlessly pious.Thankfully, a devout mother bridged the gap, loving her children, telling them Bible stories, teaching them to respect their father, and praying fervently for their safety and salvation.Annie Armstrong's prayers were heard.Joseph came to trust his kind heavenly Father who helped him love and forgive and rise above his circumstances to a life of purpose and peace.This story, sometimes heartrending, sometimes heartening, points to the one true hope for all man's miseries -- Jesus Christ, the true...
Review by patron, Anonymous:

I thought it was very interesting and detailed.
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