Genre: Teen Fantasy & Paranormal Romances
Next Book: The Iron DaughterCover Art Courtesy of
Description From NoveList:
When her half-brother is kidnapped, Meghan Chase, who has recently learned that she is the daughter of the summer faery king, must journey into a strange world she never imagined to face an unknown enemy and save those she loves.
YA Staff Review:
These aren't "Tinkerbell" type faeries. This is a good story of a strong female heroin pushing on against all odds, dispite her own fear for herself, to save her little half-brother. She becomes a pawn in a centuries old battle of the fey kingdoms and must learn the ways of faerie law. Meghan must learn how to make deals and trade favors with faeries. One wrong word or ill phrasing can prove disasterous. The Fey are fair but always prey upon those who don't guard against loopholes. Some of the characters referenced are from the classic A Midsummer Night's Dream by William Shakespear.
Fun Extras Related to this series:
Wikipedia is a good place to get infomation on all the references to A Midsummer Night's Dream.
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