Tuesday, November 24, 2020

IDEA Club, Mission 3: Dwelling

Mission 3 kits will be available for pickup soon! IDEA Club is only open to 4th-8th graders (and homeschool equivalent) holding Lillie M Evans Library cards.

IDEA Club is made possible by a grant from Project Next Generation and the Illinois State Library to establish a Lego program we're calling "IDEA Club" (Imagine, Design, Enact, Achieve). This program is currently limited to 4th-8th graders (and homeschool equivalent) while we fulfill our grant requirements.

Monday, November 16, 2020

Mission 2: Maze Submissions

We had 7 designers take kits for Mission 2: Maze Challenge. Here are what 4th-8th graders in Princeville, Illinois came up with. A new challenge will be starting soon. Watch this blog for details.

A-MAZE-ING by ZoeThe Pink and Purple Mazey Maze by Aubrey

Marble Tunnel by EllieFish by Carter

The Gauntlet by MaceynThe Blue Mamba by Stella

The Maze by Shawn

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

RCYRBA November 2020

Book talks will be posted below.
**Use the pause button to play the video clips without the slide auto-advancing on you.**